Scan it, list it, sell it.

Start a side hustle or a full-time business in a few simple steps. ScoutIQ helps you find profitable books to sell on Amazon with a simple click of the camera.
Get started

Scan any item in the mobile app to instantly see the profit if sold on Amazon.

Sellers can quickly and easily identify profitable products to sell on Amazon using data-driven insights. The software calculates estimated profits, taking into account FBA fees, shipping costs, and other expenses, so sellers can make informed decisions about which products to buy and sell.

Use eScore to quickly and confidently make a decision to sell a product.

eScore is our proprietary rating system that takes into account historical sales ranks and sales history. It’s designed to help you make an instant decision without leaving money on the table.

Expand your search zone by adding team members on your account.

ScoutIQ is built to support your ever growing business and team. Easily purchase new seats, set scanning targets, and unleash your sales force across the country!
Measures how often a book has sold in the past 6 months.
Downloadable Database
Scan books faster without the need for an internet connection.
Customisable Smart Triggers
Accept or Reject decisions based on how you would price each book.
Speed Mode
Scan barcodes continuously using only your phone’s camera. More scans = higher profits.
Historical Data Charts
Make data-informed decisions using our database of accurate, real-time sales history.
Profit Based Approach
Sales price doesn’t matter… bank deposits do. Focus on the bottom line with ScoutIQ.

Never miss an opportunity with Threecolts Customer Coaching (CuCo)

Start earning more through retail arbitrage with ScoutIQ. Learn everything from finding profitable products to flip to mastering eScore and smart triggers.

Master ScoutIQ with CuCo

Upcoming ScoutIQ Classes

Learn, Scan, Earn: ScoutIQ Basics
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May 21, 2024 1:00 PM
Learn, Scan, Earn: ScoutIQ Basics
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May 23, 2024 2:00 PM
Learn, Scan, Earn: ScoutIQ Basics
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May 28, 2024 1:00 PM


Does ScoutIQ offer any features to help sellers track inventory or manage sales performance over time?

Absolutely! ScoutIQ not only helps you identify profitable books to sell on Amazon but also offers features to track your inventory and monitor your sales performance over time. With ScoutIQ, you'll have all the tools you need to stay organized and maximize your profits.

Can ScoutIQ be used to scan products other than books, such as toys, electronics, or groceries, to assess their profitability on Amazon?

Yes, indeed! While ScoutIQ is optimized for scanning books, it can also be used to assess the profitability of other products on Amazon. Whether you're selling toys, electronics, or groceries, ScoutIQ's data-driven insights will help you make informed decisions about which products to buy and sell.

Is there a limit to the number of team members or users that can be added to an account, and are there additional costs associated with adding more seats?

No need to worry about limits with ScoutIQ! You can easily add team members to your account to expand your search zone and unleash your sales force across the country. With customizable scanning targets and seamless seat purchases, ScoutIQ is built to support your ever-growing business and team.

Does ScoutIQ provide any integration options with third-party tools or platforms, such as inventory management software or accounting software, to streamline business operations?

Absolutely! ScoutIQ offers integration options with third-party tools and platforms to streamline your business operations. Whether you need to sync your inventory with an inventory management software or track your finances with accounting software, ScoutIQ has you covered, making it easy to manage your Amazon business from one centralized platform.

How does ScoutIQ ensure the accuracy of its profit calculations, especially considering factors like fluctuating Amazon fees and shipping costs?

With ScoutIQ, you can trust that your profit calculations are accurate and reliable. Our software takes into account factors like fluctuating Amazon fees and shipping costs to provide you with estimated profits that you can count on. Focus on the bottom line with ScoutIQ and make data-informed decisions to maximize your profits selling books on Amazon.

What level of customer support does ScoutIQ offer?

We're here to support you at every turn! Our dedicated team is here to help with troubleshooting, setup, integration, and any other questions you may have. Plus, we provide thorough documentation and resources to help you get the most out of our platform. Be sure to visit our Customer Coaching portal for a free group workshop on using ScoutIQ!

Try it free for 14 days.